Jobs in South Africa - (2023 Vacancies) | Jobgam
Find your dream career that loves you back:
Jobgam helps career professionals get hired with better remuneration, compensation and career growth.
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Browse through our catalogue of exciting job offers. We boast of a variety of jobs suitable for you.
Jobs in South Africa (Vacancies 2023):
Find latest Vacancies in South Africa in Admin, Tech, Sales, Customer Care, Government, Accounting, Engineering, Remote, Security, More Get hired now! and at Jobgam, you can find better jobs and vacancies in South Africa here. We constantly help career professionals get hired with better remuneration, compensation and career growth. We've also taken the necessary steps to ensure that all listed jobs in South Africa are accurate and reliable.
With hundreds of jobs published daily by top recruiters, this will be an incredible journey for you to find your dream career that loves you back. Browse through our catalogue of job offers, and submit your application to get hired.
Find, hire and manage amazing talents:
With Jobgam you can search for candidates without publishing your jobs and get matched with candidates who have the right skills and experience to help you grow your business.
Hire Top Professionals by reaching over millions of jobseeker monthly also tap into our applicant tracking tools that helps hiring process seemless.
About JobGam:
Jobgam is the largest leading African online job platform. Over the years, we’ve strived to eliminate the bridge that emanates between job seekers and employees. We did this by Combining high-end technology with deep-rooted and vast experience.
Daily, this Pan-African project connects millions of people to life-changing exciting opportunities.
Why JobGam?
Our portal is famous with job seekers and those seeking career advancement and by millions of subscribers as fast, efficient, stable and trustworthy; the strength of the rapidly expanding enterprise could be traced to her promptness to trends, sleek and user-friendly outlook/web-pages and the apt in providing prompt, up-to-date information on new and existing vacancies all over the African Continent.
Her recently upgraded database provides now more personalized and improved content, performance, features and services making available to millions of subscribers and visitors access to an even broader coverage and database of job listings and employers, and for employers to access more job seekers.
Our database is upgraded with over 5,000 new jobs daily as we provide our over 120 million visitors connection to real jobs and required data. On the website, you can seek out openings, create an account and personalise profile for prospective employer’s attention, create or upgrade your resume, Post jobs for free and recruit.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to empower job seekers and organizations to achieve success by providing them with secure cutting-edge technologies that enable both job seekers and organizations to attain their goals.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to help 500 million job seekers to get a job and also provide the best candidate that will help set companies for success.
Our Vision:
To provide a seamless job process while creating ensure lifelong relationships that ensure meaningful employment and hiring opportunities in the most stress-free manner for the firm and individual.
Phone: +234 816 001 3105
Address: Suit 16 and 17, Milkah Plaza, Mgbuoba 500272, Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria.
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